Integral Interface seeks to hybridize collective spaces of varying qualities in order to foster a greater sense of community, while maintaining the importance of the individual. There exists an inherent desire in all beings for both territory and social interaction. Today, personal space has derived itself in the form of ownership, directly affecting the degrees of privacy and interaction parabolically.
Within both urban and suburban communities, many conditions exist that exhibit this phenomena. Initially, we analyzed various conditions within both the urban and suburban context in order to understand what characteristics were conducive of these degrees of interaction.
The collective spaces from both contexts include: the yard, the driveway, the cul-de-sac, the park, the threshold and the plaza.
After cross examination, qualities of layering, stacked volume, boundary, performance, program and others were found, making critical connections, through the type of interaction, between the suburban and urban environments.
Through a process of hybridization, the project has been designed and organized based on linked qualities, bringing wholeness to the suburbs and intimacy to the city.
.The ultimate goal then, is not to replace urban life with that of the suburbs, but to hybridize these concepts. There are many problems, however, that must be addressed.
In order to hybridize the suburban and urban living environments we addressed the issue of the scale differences in outdoor and recreational spaces within these typologies.
Depending on the market price of the home, we provided spaces for the individual home, shared by a smaller community such as a few floors of a tower, or shared by the entire block.